About the Journal

Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Balayudha (JIKOBA) (ISSN Online : 2775-278X) is published twice a year in February and August. It contains writing that is lifted from the results of research and conceptual thinking in the field of communication. Publishers receive written contributions that have never been published in other media. Posts can be directly inputted into the system of JIKOBA e-journal on this page by way of registration first. Incoming scripts will be edited for uniformity of formats, terms, and other ordinances. Universitas Sumatera Selatan publishes the JIKOBA in collaboration with Asosiasi Pendidikan Ilmu Komunikasi Perguruan Tinggi (ASPIKOM).

Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 1 (2025): Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Balayudha (JIKOBA)

The Balayudha Communication Science Journal (JIKOBA) is published by the Communication Science Study Program, Faculty of Communication Sciences, University of Sumatera Selatan, published twice a year, namely in February and August. This journal examines Communication Science, Communication Strategy, Media, Business Communication and other fields of communication science.

This journal is Edition Volume 5 Number 1 of 2025, there are five (5) articles written by authors from  Universitas Sahid Surakarta, Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta, and Universitas Sumatera Selatan.

Published: 2025-02-10
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