Journal of Management, Entrepreneur and Cooperative <p align="justify"><strong>Journal of Management, Entrepreneur and Cooperative (JMEC) </strong>is a scientific and <strong>open-access journal</strong> (CC-BY clearance). Published by Sumatera Selatan University. It is a bi-annual publication, i.e., by January and July. has <a href="">E-ISSN 2830-229x</a> with SK ISSN Number 0005.2830229X/K.4/SK.ISSN/2022.06</p> <p align="justify"><strong>Journal of Management, Entrepreneur and Cooperative (JMEC) </strong>welcomes high-quality articles <strong>in English and Indonesian Form</strong> discussing the myriad of management science and business-case application (with robust analysis only), e.g., human resource, marketing, finance, operational research, entrepreneurship, business ethics, strategy, and cooperative. This journal advances the conversations in developing and underdeveloped regions with the potential intersections of cultural uniqueness and demographic interplay. How the ideas and inspiration are being generated in these specific circumstances are also part of this journal's interest.</p> <p align="justify">All articles are subject to <strong>double-blind peer reviews</strong> should the articles pass the initial editorial screening. This publication also accepts quantitative and qualitative articles with methodology and analysis. We expect the submission to this journal to enhance knowledge by supplying the academic/practical world with fresh insight and substantial contributions to managemen science.</p> <p align="justify">Kindly read the previous articles in the archive section to see if your articles are eligible for publication and in the announcement section to see our call-for-papers invitation. You can download <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">manuskirp tamplate</a> to adjust your article according to our guidelines. You can then create your author accounts on the registration menu and follow the submission procedures. We not charge (or free) for the accepted articles. You can check our authors' Fees specific information.</p> Universitas Sumatera Selatan en-US Journal of Management, Entrepreneur and Cooperative 2830-229X <p>Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</p> Pelayanan Penumpang di Darat dan di Laut Cepat Express Bahari II C Pada PT. Pelayaran Sakti Inti Makmur Palembang <p>Kebutuhan akan sarana transportasi dikota Palembang dari waktu kewaktu terus mengalami kenaikan akibat semakin banyaknya kegiatan-kegiatan yang membutuhkan jasa trasportasi terutama angkutan penyeberangan sehingga bertambah pula intentitas pengerakan antar pulau di&nbsp;kota Palembang. Seiring meningkatnya penduduk, maka dituntut tersedianya angkutan penyeberangan yang melayani antar pulau dan telah memenuhi syarat kelancaran,&nbsp;kenyamanan dan keamanan.&nbsp;Tujuan Penelitian&nbsp;ini adalah untuk<strong>&nbsp;</strong>mengetahui Prosedur Pelayanan Penumpang di darat Dan di kapal Cepat Express Bahari II C Pada PT. Pelayaran Sakti Inti Makmur Palembang. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa terdapat&nbsp;alur proses pelayanan penumpang di darat dan di kapal express bahari, yang mana perusahaan &nbsp;melayani transprotasi kapal yang memiliki tujuan dari Palembang ke Mentok. Dengan adanya beberapa prosedur yang dilakukan mulai dari prosedur tiket sampai ke kapal sesuai dengan standar operasional perusahaan (SOP) dan sudah dijalani dengan baik oleh pihak perusahaan.</p> Geeta Fedriani Merry Safrina Maya Apriana Copyright (c) 2024 Geeta Fedriani, Merry Safrina, Maya Apriana 2024-01-26 2024-01-26 3 1 1 12 10.56869/jmec.v3i1.532 The External Control of Organization; A Resource Dependence Perspective (The Book Review) <p>Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengulas dan mengekstrak salah satu buku Pfeffer dan Salancik, The External Control of Organization; A Resource Dependence Perspective. Buku ini memberikan pencerahan tentang berbagai konsep dasar organisasi. Terdiri dari beberapa koalisi (kelompok kepentingan); lingkungan hidup diasumsikan mempunyai berbagai sumber daya yang langka dan berharga; kekuasaan yang diperoleh dengan menguasai atau menguasai sumber daya; organisasi yang terafiliasi dengan pihak lain untuk mengurangi ketidakpastian ketersediaan dana; Organisasi dapat mengubah lingkungan melalui peraturan, norma, dan hukum. Kami menemukan bahwa kendala eksternal yang mempengaruhi organisasi dapat memberikan wawasan bagi pembaca untuk merancang dan mengelola organisasi dalam menghadapi berbagai hambatan eksternal yang muncul. Unit analisis dalam ketergantungan sumber daya adalah organisasi, dan pengendalian atau pengendalian atas sumber daya mengukur keberhasilannya. Kritik-kritik dalam buku ini disajikan sebagai bentuk pengembangan dan pemahaman terhadap implikasi empiris konteks organisasi saat ini. Kritik tersebut antara lain pendefinisian lingkungan, keterhubungan, Pfeffer, dan model politik Salancik, serta berbagai strategi yang diusulkan.</p> Devi Febrianti Kurnia Widya Oktarini Edy Firza Copyright (c) 2024 Devi Febrianti, Kurnia Widya Oktarini, Edy Firza 2024-01-26 2024-01-26 3 1 13 24 10.56869/jmec.v3i1.534 Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada CV Lestari Mitra Sejahtera Banyuasin <p>Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis apakah terdapat pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan, (2) Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan, (3) Kepuasan Kerja dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada CV Lestari Mitra Sejahtera Banyuasin. Teknik sampling yang digunakandalampenelitian ini adalah teknik sampling jenuh, dengan sampel penelitian 33 karyawan. Data yang dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner, dokumentasi, dan analisis data. Alat analisis menggunakan SPSS 22. Dalam penelitian ini, hasil menunjukan bahwaKepuasanKerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan. Disiplin Kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan. Kepuasan Kerja dan Disiplin Kerjaberpengaruh positif dan signifikanterhadap Kinerja Karyawan.</p> Dika Setiagraha Agus Setiawan Anton Kurniawan Teuku Muhammad Haqiqi Noprian saudi Berlian Riri Hanifa Copyright (c) 2024 Dika Setiagraha, Agus Setiawan, Anton Kurniawan, Teuku Muhammad Haqiqi, Noprian, saudi Berlian, Riri Hanifa 2024-01-26 2024-01-26 3 1 25 36 10.56869/jmec.v3i1.536 Pengaruh Rasio Keuangan Terhadap Harga Saham Pada Sektor Properti Di Indonesia (Periode 2019-2022) <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>The property sector is one of the main source for realizing invesment with the main sources coming from the industrial and housing sectors. The purpose of this study is to analytical the variable ROA, ROE, DER, PER, EPS affect stock price. The analytical method used was panel data regression analysis through eviews 12. In this study, researches used side purposive data collection techniques. Purposive sampling is a sampling technique with certain considerations, with a total population of 35 property companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange For the 2019-2022 period and based on predetermined criteria, a sample of 32 companies from the real estate and property sector was obtained in 2019-2022. The results of the study partially show that the four variables ROA,ROE, DER, EPS, and PER have a positive effect on stock prices is DER Simultaneously the three variables ROA, ROE, EPS and PER affectstock prices</em><em>.</em></p> Lisa Aprillita Santi Oktavianti Teuku Muhammad Haqiqi Henny Oktaviyani Muhammad Shalahuddin Vanesha Rahmania Rikkie Dekas Copyright (c) 2024 Lisa Aprillita, Santi Oktavianti, Teuku Muhammad Haqiqi, Henny Oktaviyani, Muhammad Shalahuddin, Vanesha Rahmania, Rikkie Dekas 2024-01-26 2024-01-26 3 1 37 50 10.56869/jmec.v3i1.535 Pengaruh Struktur Modal Dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Pada Perusahaan Sektor Energi Di Indonesia <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>The energy company is a sector company that sells products and services related to energy extraction which includes non-renewable energy so that revenue is directly affected by world energy commodity prices such as oil mining, natural gas, coal. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the capital structure &nbsp;of firm size has an effect on firm value. The analytical method used is panel data regression through eviews 12. With this research the researcher used a purposive sampling data collection technique. Purposive sampling is a sampling technique with a certain determination, with a total population of 37 energy sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2019-2022, and based on predetermined criteria, a sample of 30 companies from the energy sector in 2019-2022 was obtained. The results showed that the variable capital structure (DER) has a negative effect on firm value, while company size (SIZE) has a positive effect on firm value.</em>&nbsp;<em>Simultaneously capital structure and company size affect company value in Energy sector companies listed on the IDX in 2019-2022. The ability of the independent variables to simultaneously explain the dependent variable can be said to be included in the level of a strong relationship and this research model is good.</em></p> Nanda Melisa Santi Oktavianti Teuku Muhammad Haqiqi Rabin Ibnu Zainal Firmansyah Firmansyah Copyright (c) 2024 Nanda Melisa, Santi Oktavianti, Teuku Muhammad Haqiqi, Rabin Ibnu Zainal, Firmansyah Firmansyah 2024-01-26 2024-01-26 3 1 51 65 10.56869/jmec.v3i1.533