Ilmu Komunikasi Balayudha 2025-02-10T00:00:00+07:00Nanda Syukerti Journal Systems<p>Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Balayudha (JIKOBA) (<a href="">ISSN Online : 2775-278X</a>) is published twice a year in February and August. It contains writing that is lifted from the results of research and conceptual thinking in the field of communication. Publishers receive written contributions that have never been published in other media. Posts can be directly inputted into the system of JIKOBA e-journal on this page by way of registration first. Incoming scripts will be edited for uniformity of formats, terms, and other ordinances. Universitas Sumatera Selatan publishes the JIKOBA in collaboration with Asosiasi Pendidikan Ilmu Komunikasi Perguruan Tinggi (ASPIKOM).</p> Fanatisme Online TEUME di Akun Twitter @TREASURE_INA2024-07-11T18:45:56+07:00Alya Djayanifebrialya4@gmail.comHepy Prasiliahepy.prasilia23@gmail.comNaura Rainsyifa<p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>Treasure as one of the Korean boy bands that has fanatical fans. Fans from various countries who have become fangirls and fanboys as female and male fans who are fans of their idols will not be separated from social interactions among fans who idolize a group. The form of interactivity of a group of boy band and girl band kpop fans nowadays does not only occur directly but many occur virtually by using social media such as twitter as a medium or tool for exchanging news, videos, photos, and even the schedule of a group's activities. Female fans (fangirls) in a (fandom), which is a term for a collection of people from various countries who support a group, one of which is Teume who idolizes Treasure, has created a fangirling culture seen from their interactivity and productivity in sending messages on Twitter. This study aims to analyze the ineractivity of fans from various countries in using Twitter to produce virtual values of fangirling culture which includes expressions and interactions that occur with fellow fans using virtual ethnographic research methods. This research shows the success of South Korea in shaping a fangirling culture that includes aspects of fan interaction, art, and works on Twitter as a manifestation of the success of K-Pop music in influencing a person's fanaticism towards popular culture from Korea.</em></p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Alya Djayani, Hepy Prasilia, Naura Rainsyifa Nandra Interpersonal Orang Tua Dengan Siswa Penggemar Game Online Di SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta2024-07-15T20:14:48+07:00Guntur Pamungkasgianraharja17@gmail.comGian Raharjagianraharja17@gmail.comKhusnul<p class="s16"><span class="s15"><span class="bumpedFont17">ABSTRACT</span></span></p> <p class="s18"><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">This</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">research</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">aims</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">to</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">understand</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">the</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">role</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">of</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">interpersonal</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">communication</span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">between</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">parents</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">and</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">children</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">who</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">often</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">play</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">online</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">games,</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">especially</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">the</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">Mobile</span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">Legends</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">game.</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">This</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">researchexamines</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">the</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">importance</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">of</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">parental</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">communication</span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">in</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">shaping</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">children's</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">good</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">and</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">correct</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">behavior</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">in</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">various</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">environments,</span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">including family, school and society. With a constructivist paradigm, this research uses a qualitative approach through observations and interviews with</span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17"> student SMP 1 Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta and </span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">parents of student SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta who are addicted to online games. The research results show that there are communication barriers between parents and children who</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">are addicted to online games and parents need to understand effective communication to overcome this problem. This study also highlights the different</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">communication</span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">models</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">adopted</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">by</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">parents</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">and</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">the</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">challenges</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">they</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">face</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">inunderstanding</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">the</span></span><span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">communication</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">needs</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">of</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">their</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">children</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">addicted</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">to</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">online</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">games.</span></span></p> <p class="s19"><span class="s15"><span class="bumpedFont17">Keywords:</span></span> <span class="s17"><span class="bumpedFont17">Interpersonal Communication, Parents, Children, Online Games.</span></span></p>2025-02-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Guntur Pamungkas, Gian Raharja, Khusnul Khotimah MEDIA SOSIAL YOUTUBE HUMAS DPRD KOTA SURAKARTA DALAM MEMBANGUN CITRA KOMISI IV DI MASYARAKATANALISIS PEMBERITAAN KEGIATAN SIDAK KOMISI IV DPRD KOTA SURAKARTA PADA UNGGAHAN YOUTUBE OLEH HUMAS DALAM MEMBANGUN CITRA POSITIF2024-07-25T15:19:57+07:00Oktifiana Nurliya Ikasarifinaff212@gmail.comRahmad Wisudawantofinaff212@gmail.comHasbullah<p>The upload of inspection activity videos by Commission IV on the @DPRDKotaSurakarta YouTube <br />account has not fully provided transparent information to the public. This can be seen from the video <br />uploads that do not yet fulfill the completeness elements of 5W+1H. Therefore, this research aims to <br />analyze the news coverage of Commission IV's inspection activities posted on YouTube by the public <br />relations office in building a positive image. This research is qualitative and uses primary data <br />sources from YouTube uploads and questionnaires as secondary data sources. The primary data <br />source in this study consists of uploaded videos. This research uses John Fiske's (1990) content <br />analysis model, which reveals that 40 out of 65 uploaded videos of Commission IV's inspection <br />activities have met the 5W+1H news elements. Thus, Commission IV has provided transparent <br />information to the public. To understand the positive image of Commission IV, Sutisna's (2001) image <br />theory was used, leading to the finding that the news videos can build a positive image for <br />Commission IV. This is supported by questionnaire results showing that more than 60% of <br />respondents agree that the video uploads of Commission IV's inspection activities help the public <br />understand the expectations of the Public Relations Office of DPRD Kota Surakarta, comprehend the <br />expectations of Commission IV DPRD Kota Surakarta, facilitate effective communication, influence <br />public perception, reflect positive public expectations and perceptions towards Commission IV, and <br />have a significant and positive impact on Commission IV DPRD Kota Surakarta.</p>2025-02-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Oktifiana Nurliya Ikasari, Rahmad Wisudawanto, Hasbullah Aziz KOMUNIKASI PARIWISATA DINAS PARIWISATA PALEMBANG DALAM MENINGKATKAN MINAT WISATAWAN KE KOTA PALEMBANG2025-02-05T11:51:12+07:00Riko<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>This research was conducted to determine the tourism communication strategy of the Palembang City Tourism Office in increasing tourism interest in the city of Palembang. This research uses qualitative methods which aim to describe situations or phenomena. This research is a combination of primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research results show that the parties involved in developing tourist objects have implemented tourism communication strategies, but they are not yet optimal. In tourism communication, to seek interest in traveling, a communication strategy is used. The choice of communication strategy must be done very carefully. Mistakes in determining strategy can cause various losses, especially in terms of time, costs and resources. Tourism communication strategies focus, among other things, on: images, natural attractions, community support and advances in information technology. Tourism communication strategies that always highlight natural and cultural attractions as well as the friendliness of our people.</p> <p> </p> <p>Keywords: Strategy Communication,Tourist, information,</p>2025-02-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Riko Fardiansyah